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The Cohort Coaching Effect

Have you ever held a dream so close that it haunts you daily ...I have

And then one day, out of nowhere came the BIG ASK.

Fancy doing a collaboration book !

That meant I had a team, a cohort and a tribe.

However it also meant I had to commit and go all in.

My own personal journey from 5 to 45 had been full of twists and turns and so writing about Bouncing Back from adversity seemed like a good topic for a book.

A perfect place to help and guide others. A place to leave a tiny legacy of hope. A place I could call home.


Where do you start? What story do you pick and what lessons can I share that are impactful, have meaning and are worthy of the audeince?

Those were the first gremlins I had to over come.

So with a lot of courage, guidance and coaching I got up one morning and begun..

what Inspired me ? You did

It was tough, it was inspiring and I grew each time it came back with feedback, helpful edits and guidance for me to ponder, consider and create.

I loved the process and more importantly, I loved my team of Co Authors.

I went on to complete 5 other book projects and I am keen to do more.

Keen to collaborate, to bring budding writers together and support those dreams as much as mine were .

I would love to hear if you are up for a challenge and how you may have been on a similar journey or in-fact, are you a book coach who willingly coaches people to write books. then please let me know in the comments below ?

I know a few spectacular coaches who I am chatting to, and as I dig deeper towards my own journey (with an entire book all of my own). I would love to share these amazing humans with you as I step closer to my next chapter.

I am also up for another collaboration.

I don't win alone and I don't fail alone has been a game changer for me ...

Whats been a game changer for you ?


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