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How to Start and Build a Fantastic Business: Essential Steps to Success

Fantastic does not arrive it lands and expands 💫

Todays post is My Personal Story and the step by step journey I now take and of how I believe the world shows up differently when you finally take the plunge, pull the rug and go for it and by that I mean "Start your Own Biz". Fantastic and In Between in equal measure are my favourite places to be on any given day and each has lead to my growth and ensuring that I am a better human than I was the day before.

Firstly there maybe steps but to me, these steps are in fact stairs and these stair treads/steps go up and down. Sometimes you forget which way you are going, which floor is for which option and in my case you sometimes need a really good rest halfway. Either way your staircase can be both exhilarating and exhausting and with a little bit of handrail holding we can step better together.

Ready to Climb with me a little ?

Disclaimer : I Embrace helps me suck seed and then grow.

This isn't my first business and I doubt it will be my last so I have learnt the art of knowing what I can and cannot do well , what I will delegate to those vastly more motivated than I and always but always have a coach or mentor on speed dial or fast text.

The First Step:

The art of delegating is by far the trickiest but yet most rewarding step of all. 90% of the trickiness is in the admitting of whether you are abdicating or delegating certain tasks and elements of your business process that you simple don't like or even know how to execute.

(I have designed a PHAT check list that might serve you well. PHAT is a process I use to determine where I am "In Between" and how I unlock my journey towards Fantastic)

The Second Step:

My second suggestion would be to take this handy yet informative quiz to ascertain your current location in your journey. and we can together unpack and discover your new viable path. Its so important, vital and mentally supportive to have a great visual of where you are and where you want to go. Fantastic is often closer than you think.

3rd on the list:

Thirdly, I would suggest a couple of great books, podcasts and at least one "dedicated" hour a day that enables "wandering, contemplating, moving and unplugging" as that is where the "In Between" Magic comes home to rest and re charge. Not every human needs main power some of us need more natural sources.

A natural break doesn't always mean a trip to the rest room, loo or bathroom.The majority of my best work happens outside of my bricks and mortar.

Before I close the post

Why not take me up on my offer and join me for a Discovery call to find out the next steps that are poignant for your business, or your career path inside your business, or how you can kick start a business idea whilst still being in a wonderful full time job. One size does not fit all but I will happily share the wisdom I have gathered over the years and some of the borrowed success strategies that I can 💯 demonstrate will and will not help you achieve Step No:1.

Until then, I love to hear some of your book recommendations or podcasts that I can share , listen to , read and recommend.

Thanks for stopping by.....please excuse the typo I missed but thats how you know its not AI right 🫶🏼


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